Congressman Kingston Urges Construction of SHEP

Press Release

Date: June 10, 2014

Congressman Kingston (R-GA) released the following statement regarding the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project in regard to the signing of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act:

​"With the signing of WRRDA today, the last hurdle to Shep construction, as defined by the President, has been cleared. I encourage the Army Corps to sign the Public Partnership Agreement and begin construction immediately."

Although Congress made specific allowances for construction of SHEP to go forward in legislation passed in January, the White House claimed a new authorization was necessary. This claim was made despite the Vice President and President clamoring for construction to begin. In the face of bipartisan questioning, the Army Corps was forced to admit the delays of the Obama Administration were political, not legal.

Congressman Kingston voted in favor of the WRRDA in the House in May and spoke about the bill on the floor. He has championed SHEP since its initial passage in 1999.
